East of England NAFAS 70th Show & BroughtonFlower Festival

 Broughton Flower Festival & Open Gardens 2024

Broughton Flower Festival took place on June 15th & 16th 
with 4 of our members creating designs for it.

Sheena Teeling's "Gaining a Degree" (in garden design)

Rosemary Darrington's "Celebrating Your 21st Birthday"

Noreen Plows "Celebrating a Birth" (arranged in the church font)

Maggie Horne's "Passing Your Driving Test"

 The East of England Area of NAFAS 

celebrated 70 years with a wonderful show at Hunstanton. There were any classes to enter and the following photos are of the exhibits of Sue Astle, our former Chair.

She received a Highly Commended and a Commended for them.

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